Wednesday, October 7, 2015

18- Eat, Sleep, Work, Dance
“This post is for my beloved girl. Hey there, busy girl. What’s up? You’re the second girl I’ve met in college lol. You arrived late, never got a chance to know you better at that day. "Wow, she's really thin (not sexy lol)". That's my first impression to you. When I compare my thighs to yours, I got a little bit guilty."

 "I remember the first day, you're really a sleepy-head. Your cousin had a hard time waking you up. We still don't talk that much, because.. well of course it's the first day. But I did have the feeling that you'll be really fun to be with. And yeah... it's true. You're really fun to be with."

"We had our first long conversation when we're eating at Shakey's. You've told us a lot about yourself and it's very interesting. You're so cool at that time... because you know how to order at a restaurant (hahahaha OA). I still don't know how to order so I felt really... hmm."
"What I like about you is that you're really eager on what you do (weehh hahaha!). That's the reason why I can't talk to you that much? in the room? I think? Hahahahaha! I'm not sure! Well, whatever. I also like your reactions and facial expressions when you heard some hilarious stories. Your laugh is really infectious (seriously!). You do look like crazy when you laugh, but even if you're like that, you still give energy and life in us."
"And of course, I won't also forget my admiration to you when you eat!! You're the first girl I've ever met that can finish 8 monays in 10 minutes!! You're crazy!! I could only finish 2 monays in 15 minutes!! You never get full, and that's so amazing!! If you we're to join in eating competitions, I'll seriously bet for you and I'm sure I will win!! Hahahaha!! Just kidding... but seriously you're amazing." 

"You're a tempter, yet a satisfier. A student, yet a dancer. A sleepyhead, yet hard-working. I'm glad that I've met someone like you. Don't forget me I beg. I'll support you on whatever you do. I'm sorry if I can't help you when you're depressed. I may not be a good adviser, but I'll try my best to be the best listener."  

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