Monday, July 6, 2015

5- Smile At Your Own Risk

"Faking happiness"

Yeah! Now we have an interesting topic here and I think that most of us are experts in this (AM I RIGHT?!). Fake happiness, fake smiles, forced smile, Pan Am smiles, butox smiles whatever they call it. We're using these for covering up problems, to make others happy, make ourselves be deep in lies, and the best term to call for a person like that would be a "COWARD". We are afraid to be seen if we are depressed. We want to cheer up those people who are depressed even if you're also in that situation. Faking happiness can help many people but it can't help ourselves. We can't just be honest with our feelings and we're also afraid of getting noticed by other people. Just why? Why are we afraid of telling them the truth? Is it because they are not trustworthy? Is it because you don't want to be a bother to them? We should think about these questions and realize that also.
Let me tell you about this friend of mine who is not good at hiding her true feelings (bad at lying for short). You can tell easily that she's sad or angry. Every time I ask her what's her problem she always says "I'm okay, I don't have any problems at all." and other excuses. But it's totally obvious that she's in pain or something so why did she want to hide it even though she can't? Why so stubborn?

Sometimes, I'm getting annoyed by it because she's kinda telling me that I still don't have the right to know and it's kinda disappointing because I look like a useless friend to her. I just want to help her because I can't stand seeing her like that (it looked like a romance novel eh?). Anyway, though she's still doing that, I just try to understand her because I know that she has her own reasons and I should just stay still and wait until she tell it to me.

As a human (lol), I'm also faking my happiness sometimes. Well you know it can't be help because were worried and stuff as I mentioned earlier. I'm afraid of telling them what I feel because I might be bothering them or I'm afraid on what they will say.

You know the feeling that people thought that you're very optimistic and happy all the time, but after all deep inside of you, pain and loneliness disturbs you. You want to tell them but you can't because you have the feeling that they will not understand your situation and might worsen. So you have no choice but to fight it by yourself. Well, these kind of things are common but...
THAT'S TOTALLY WRONG!!! Even though it's right but it's really WRONG! I realized that hiding your pain can't bring happiness to other people especially to your friends. Why? Because they will be annoyed or disappointed because they feel like you don't trust them and it's a bad thing. And according to research, faking happiness or hiding your pain can be bad to your health (heart and mind specifically). Faking makes you more unhappy and it makes you more miserable. And if you knew that you're bad at hiding then STOP HIDING IT'S ANNOYING! *wew* (real talk there). You're just making the world live in deep lies and also yourself.

If you are thinking of faking your happiness, please think first about what would happen at your surroundings. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Second, think about your friends. They might look at you as a selfish person because you don't share your problems. Friends (the real ones) loves to hear your problems and cry (due to the reason of having problems in other things not to them)in front of them because they could feel that you trust them and that's a good thing.

And before I end my post, I will leave you quote:

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